Picked up the battery this afternoon - as I've been working a little late, I haven't been able to go to bike shops that might have one on the shelf. So I went to an O'Reilly Auto Parts and they were able to special order the battery. Well, sort of - the correct battery is a size like a 10-B2, and they were only able to get a 10-A2. But the only difference is the side the vent is on, and the "wrong" battery will drop in if you move the vent hose over. It's long enough to reach either side.
One thing I found out about motorcycle batteries: They're stored without the acid so they don't lose their charge from sitting on a warehouse shelf. So you have to pour the acid, which is in a bottle with markings like "Danger! Pellegro! There's bad stuff in here and we're not just saying that because our lawyers said we have to!" into the battery before installing it. Once that's in the battery is ready to go, more or less. They say for best results you can give it a bit of time on a trickle charger.
So I'll be back riding tomorrow. The battery company did, however, include more acid than is needed to fill the battery, and it's not something I'd want to throw in the trash can.
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