Tuesday, April 22, 2008

5'10" and Invisible?

At the outset of today's ride, I filled the tank with 3.3 gallons at 218 miles. 66 miles per gallon, not bad for wringing out the engine on Sunday.

Anyway, I found out today that some people are willing to do pretty much anything to save a few seconds in their commute, even with very light traffic this morning. I was the first in line in a left turn lane to get onto I-85, with a few vehicles behind me. Directly behind me was a large SUV with a Xterra behind it. I watched the Xterra pull out of the turn lane and try to whip around the SUV behind me. She realized I was there as her front tire entered the turn lane right next to me and then she rolled down the window and motioned that she wanted in front of me. In my childish act of the day, I looked at her and then deliberately ignored her. The final act of, umm, interesting driving was for her to pull all the way into the middle of the intersection (on a red light) just to be sure she would get ahead of all two people in front of her.

After that bit of fun, the rest of the day was downright tame. Also, with the temperature on the return ride reaching a mere 76, I noticed my gear gets a little warm. It becomes rather uncomfortably warm when I'm not moving. The vents help a lot, but I think I will need a mesh jacket by the time the ambient temp reach the mid-80's.

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