Saturday, May 3, 2008

End of April

So, with the end of the "official" ride for a month time frame, I have been wondering where we will go with this site. I don't feel like ending the blog with the end of the month. However, I think I will tend away from the daily ride report and go more into the realm of general motorcycling advice and reviews. After this last commute write up, that is.

Yesterday was a fairly standard commute. I left before the traffic began to build into the city. My only mistake was to not put the liner in my new mesh jacket. I did not quite anticipate just how effective it would be at letting air flow through. It was good for the warmer afternoon ride, though.

Ok, so it wasn't my only mistake, I was also following some one a little too closely on the way home and had a chance to practice hard breaking when a car further up the line realized it was time to turn, stopping traffic momentarily. If I had been slightly further back I would have had a little more time to react and may have been able to avoid stopping altogether. Oh well, at least I was still far enough away to avoid hitting anyone.

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